Is There A Need For A Change?

Oh boy, what a week! If I can be honest, I was feeling frustrated and stumped. Recently, I’ve noticed our homeschool routine has become stagnant for one of my children and I have been trying to pin point where the issue was. I wasn’t having any success figuring it out until it hit me, and the answer was simple…..I need to change how I am homeschooling them.

When I came to this realization, I was met with a feeling of panic and unanswered questions. I thought to myself, what do I do? We’re halfway through this year and curriculum and suddenly I feel God leading me to change my style of teaching. After I processed this upcoming change, I started reminding myself what an incredible blessing and opportunity to be able to change my children’s learning approach. I thought about my experience as a public school student when I was their age. I had always struggled in school. I was very much a visual learner which is the opposite of institutional schools, which focus on the rote learning style, repetition and memorization. I didn’t have a choice of programs and curriculums that would have better suited me. This is a big reason why I homeschool, so my kids can learn in a way that best fits them, and yes, it is sometimes a trial and error process.

Now, there are so many styles of homeschooling and it is so easy to become overwhelmed with all of the information and opinions out there. There is the Charlotte Mason and Classical Conversations styles, unschooling, online programs, and hybrid. The list goes on and on. As I was trying to figure out what I need to change and what adjustments I need to make, I tried to put myself in my children’s shoes. From they’re perspective, what would ignite their fire for learning?

Where I do not know what new program or style I will use yet, I am excited and optimistic for this change. I know it will be better for my kids and myself included. I am learning that things do not always go according to plan and that I need to be flexible, even if that means I need to change everything.

So I ask you, does your homeschooling routine need a change? Are you finding that it’s become stagnant and stale? Are you pushing a curriculum or style of teaching on your kids because it’s what you know? Do you fear a change? If you fall under one of these questions, I completely understand! I feared a change. I didn’t even know what this change would look like, I still don’t completely know! What I DO know is that It’s going to be ok and God will lead me in the direction he wants and he will lead you. What changes do you need to make?


How has your perspective changed?


How Are Your Expectations?