How has your perspective changed?

Take a minute and think back to before you started homeschooling or think about when you first got started? What were your initial thoughts on it compared to what it is now. Has it changed? How has it changed? I’m sure that it has for all of us. Here is how, over the years, my outlook and thinking has evolved on homeschooling.

Years ago, when my husband and I were thinking about the possibility of homeschooling, there are many thoughts that went through our minds as we were new to the whole idea. The first thought was, were our kids going to become “weird”? I’m sure I can say with full confidence that every homeschool parent has heard a comment regarding a stigma that homeschool kids are weird. Now, three years into homeschooling, I can say that is far from the truth when it comes to homeschool kids. It truly is a shame that society has put that label on children who school at home. Homeschool kids are truly some of the most well versed and well rounded children I know. I have come to learn that rather than our children sitting in a classroom for hours at a time, they are out in the real world, learning real life, and social skills. Some thing that is lacking in institutional schools.

Another thought that went through my mind is, what are people around me going to think? Do you know what I say to that now? WHO CARES! We as homeschool parents are always going to experience some type of dissatisfaction from society for the decision we have made regarding our children’s education. If it hasn’t happen to you, it will, and that’s ok! We have made a decision to go against the status quo with our kids education so people are bound to say something. When they do, remember that most of these comments are made by people who are very misinformed on homeschooling. You as the parents of your children are the ones who make decisions for your kids regarding their education. I don’t base these decisions off of what others think.

The last thought that I’m going to bring up is when I started homeschooling my kids, it was only going to be temporary. Little did I know that I would fall completely in love with it, and that God would lay on my heart to permanently do it and to encourage, and help others with their homeschool journey. Now, there are certainly days where I am exhausted, and I am ready to pull my hair out, but the good days far outweigh the challenging days. It has become such an amazing blessing to teach and learn right beside my kids.

There are all kinds of opinions that people have on homeschooling. I’m a firm believer that, unless you have actually experienced it, an opinion on the matter is invalid. No matter what people say or think, keep pressing on and do what God has truly laid on your heart! God will be there every step of the way!


Transitioning to homeschooling: Part 1


Is There A Need For A Change?