Homeschooling From A Dad’s Perspective

I have had many dads come up to me to pick my brain about homeschooling, and ask about my husband’s initial thoughts when we first started. Well, it gave me the idea to let you guys hear from him. Enjoy the following blog from my husband, Derek, and see what he has to say about our journey.

Where do I start?  I guess at the beginning.  I had my reservations.  I had my own (inexperienced, and naive) thoughts about homeschooling.  And I had my own private and public schooling and educational experience that I had thought was pretty decent, overall. 


            But needless to say, many things have changed drastically over the last decade-plus in schools and in the education system. 

     We have been on our homeschool journey for three years now, heading into our fourth, and I would not change one thing! 

Is it a process? Yes. 

Is it an adjustment?  Yes. 

Is there a learning curve?  Yes. 

Is it challenging?  Sure, at times. 

Are we perfect at it? No, but we have gotten much better. 

Do we have more time with our kids? YES!

Are our kids being indoctrinated by people teaching them with an agenda? NOPE!

Do I have an added level of love, appreciation, and respect for my wife? Yes!

Do I love that my wife gets to stay home with our kids (every day) and teach them and love them? You bet!

Do I love that my kids are not stuck in school all day?  Do I love that my kids can learn anywhere at any time during the day? Absolutely!


            To be transparent, I thought that we would only be homeschooling our kids for a year or two while the pandemic was going on.  But as that era wound down, and we had a firm handle on the homeschool game, we realized that there were so many benefits for our kids and our family.

     Here are just a few bonus benefits that we have enjoyed…..

     Time!  You only have a small window of time and opportunity with your kids and family.  Homeschooling is an awesome way to add much more time with your kids.

     Morals.  Homeschooling your kids provides so much more time to raise your kids with the morals and values that you consider important.  These can be taught along with their book work, or incorporated in a variety of ways in their education at home.

     Flexibility.  Education can happen anywhere and at any time.  Lessons can be taught outside, or inside.  Lessons can be built into field trips or co-op gatherings. 

     Custom education.  Your kids can learn at their own pace.  You get to learn more about your children, in new ways.  Curriculums are designed to educate your children to their best ways of learning.  My kids are not thrown in a packed class, with only one teacher to manage them.  My kids have the full attention of my wife.  Who doesn’t want your kids to learn from someone they love, and from someone who loves them?  I know that my wife pours out her heart and gives her best effort to educate our children.  Because she wants what is best for them, and wants them to be the absolute best that they can be. 

     And yes, I am involved in helping educate my kids too.  I will read to my kids, and they will read to me when I get home from work.  I also will do pop quizzes and see what my kids did for school that day, and what they remember from their lessons.  And at times I will be able to step in and help my kids with lessons from time to time.  It has been a blessing to be able to be involved in my kid’s education, and not just pass them off to a teacher or school, for five days a week. 


            Whatever the cost, it is worth it.  Whatever the challenge or adversity, it can be overcome.  Whatever the excuse, it can be removed.  Homeschooling our kids has been and continues to be one of the best decisions that we have made.

Derek Curless Living life with purpose



Benefits of Homeschooling for Siblings


My Journey Into Homeschooling