My Journey Into Homeschooling

Today, I have been reflecting a lot about why I started homeschooling in the first place. I have been thinking about why I even started a blog/platform for parents who homeschool. It is pretty incredible because I never thought God would lead me down this path in a million years! Honestly! It has become my passion and desire to be a resource for parents who are entering the homeschooling journey.

This week, I want to write a little about my own journey with homeschooling and how God has worked through it with the hopes that it would be an encouragement to you.

I want to start by telling you a little bit about my own schooling experience when I was young. Growing up, I attended public school. It did not come easy for me at all. The grades C and D were average for me. I was not the dream student that teachers hope for. I had to work really hard to do “well” on a test, and “well” for me was a B.

I remember so vividly, a conversation with a friend in high school about if I would ever homeschool my kids when I eventually had some. My answer was “No way! I would mess them up! I am not smart enough to do that!” I truly believed that I would be doing my kids a disservice by educating them at home because I thought I did not have the brains for it, and I was not cut out for it.  

Now let us fast forward to the year 2020 when my husband and I decided to homeschool. My daughter was about to start her first year of school and as we all know, that year was very chaotic for everyone.  We decided to homeschool her first year because of our own convictions, with the intention to register her for public school the following year. During that first year of homeschooling, I had no idea that one, I could actually do it, and 2, I would fall completely in love with it. I believe that was the case for many people that decided to homeschool that year. They realized that they had the ability themselves to educate their kids. I began to realize that you did not have to be an amazing student when you were young in order to effectively educate your children at home.

As I was falling in love with homeschooling, I started learning about it more and also researching our country’s current school system. My eyes started opening to how broken and flawed our school system is. I learned that it was not hard to file the paperwork and I quickly started to realize that God was laying a special calling on my heart to help and encourage homeschool parents throughout their journey.

If you, or anyone you know, is thinking about homeschooling, I would encourage you to go for it! I have seen firsthand how beneficial it is to, not only my kids but our whole family. Not every day is easy. It is hard work, but I would not trade it for the world. Homeschooling has been a blessing for me and I know it can be for you too!


Homeschooling From A Dad’s Perspective


Common Fears Of Homeschooling