Benefits of Homeschooling for Siblings

One of my favorite benefits of homeschooling my children is how their relationship with each other has grown. Now, before I go any further, their relationship is, in no way, perfect. They have their times when they argue, but since the start of our homeschooling journey, I have seen their relationship grow and strengthen.  They have had the opportunity to see each other's successes and struggles when it comes to their learning. As you read this, think about how your children are/can benefit relationally through homeschooling.  

Something that I like to do is involve my daughter when I am teaching my son. She is two years older than him and it one, gives her a sense of responsibility, and two, involves her in her brother’s education. She, as an older sibling, has a great opportunity to come alongside her younger brother and help mentor and teach him. Why waste a moment like that for our older kids? It is a time when our older children can assist, help, and bless their siblings.  

As we homeschool, it gives my children more time with each other. They not only are learning their core subjects but also learning about one another. They know each other’s likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. They have more time to problem-solve and work through disagreements in a way that’s appropriate and godly. It gives me more time to help teach them the wonderful blessing it is to have a sibling and to help them foster a healthy and loving relationship with each other. 

They also get to learn alongside one another. They have their own math and english programs, but they learn science and history together. I love those moments when I see them soaking up all the information and getting excited about what they are learning TOGETHER. During dinner time, when my husband is asking what they learned that day, they both can share what they learned with one another. These moments are ones that they will hold near and dear. You cannot buy them. They are ones that you can only experience.  

Now, do they get along every day during school time? No, they do not. Like all of us, they are flawed human beings with a sinful nature, but I try to use those times as teaching moments and guide them in better choices.  

Homeschooling has provided my kids with so much more time to work on and develop their relationships with each other. It is not always a smooth road. It has potholes and bumps at times, but it is worth every moment. This very well may be one of my favorite benefits of homeschooling, and I know it can be for you too! 



Teaching Character While You Homeschool


Homeschooling From A Dad’s Perspective