Five Benefits of Homeschooling

Let’s talk about benefits of homeschooling. While it is impossible to list them, all, here are a few to get you started.
1. When we homeschool, our focus is learning true life skills. It is not just memorizing facts. In order to perform well on a test. That is called “rote” learning. It is simply outdated and not applicable to learn like that anymore. Learning life skills is a huge part of preparing our children for the real world and that should be one of the big focuses in their educational program, not just memorization.
2. Our kids are out of the cookie cutter system, meaning, they are free to learn in a way that best fits them. Not in the rote learning style, as stated above. Not every child learns the same and therefore, not every program should be the same. When we homeschool, it gives our children, an opportunity to learn in a way that best fits them. They are not forced to learn in a style that an institution forces them to. Doing that is a huge disservice to our kids. In a lot of cases, when a child does not thrive under the said learning style, they are usually classified as having a learning disability when really, they just learn in a different way. Homeschooling allows you to personalize your child’s education.
3. You get so much extra time to not only work on the traditional curriculum with your children, but also work on their heart and character. This is what I consider the most important for my children. A child can have all the “smarts” in the world, but if they lack morals, character and standards, then I believe we have failed to teach them the most important things in these foundational years. Society focuses so much on how “Book-smart“ your child is when we need to be focusing on their hearts. What a different world it would be, if that thinking was changed!
4. You have control over what your child is learning. We all know there is an agenda being pushed in institutional schools. A parent‘s role is being minimized by the second and we as parents need to take control of our children’s education. The school system does not decide what my children need to learn, I do. There are concepts being taught in schools that are in no way, appropriate and acceptable! We need to protect the innocence of our children, because the school system certainly is not.
5. There’s no homework. Kids who are in institutional schools are there for 7+ hours a day. They are then sent home with more work to do, limiting family time and downtime. Why is this allowed? These children are away from their families hours on end to then have more family time stolen to do more schoolwork. To me, this is unacceptable. Our children need family time and the influence of their parents above all else!

These five reasons just scratch the surface of the many benefits of homeschooling. For my children, it is one of the best decisions my husband and I have ever made. Our children are learning, thriving, spending time with those who matter most, and growing in their relationship with the Lord. It has totally transformed our family! So check it out and see the benefits that homeschooling can have for you!


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