When facing criticism

How many of you have ever been criticized for choosing to homeschool? What was the initial reaction of those around you when you made the decision to homeschool? Was it supportive and positive, or were you met with negativity and disapproval? I am sure we all have faced that criticism in one way or another.

When my husband and I chose to homeschool our children, I had someone say to me, “You are going to socialize your kids though, right? You know they need that!” It was as if that person completely forgot that I have raised my kids thus far and knew nothing about how to educate them! That can’t be any further from the truth! No one knows your children better than you. Who better to teach them than YOU.

When we are faced with that dreaded homeschool criticism, it is very hard to not take it personally. What we need to remember is when these critics say these things, they are sadly misinformed and uneducated in the topic and statistics. They, along with society, are taught to believe that anything that goes against the traditional school system is subpar, bad, and wrong. We certainly can be upset over the lack of respect that these criticizers display but we can’t take their jabs personally. They simply are not informed on the homeschool method.

When us as parents make the decision to homeschool, we are going against the statis quo so naturally we are opening ourselves up to criticism. It’s going to happen. What I keep in mind during those times is a quote someone once told me. The quote is “critics do not receive monuments.” Such a short quote with some much meaning!

Keep pushing through your homeschool journey no matter how many comments, jabs, or criticisms you receive! You are making the best decision for your kids! Stay on the course and drown out those negative remarks. You’re doing great and you will be thankful that you persevered!


Five Benefits of Homeschooling


Hard days are opportunities!