God Qualifies The Called

Have you ever thought to yourself “I’m not good enough“ or “ I’ll never be able to do that“? Maybe at one time you wanted to do something but thought to yourself you’re not qualified, and you believed it. We’ll let me tell you something, I use to say those things to myself about homeschooling and I am so glad I stopped listening to those lies and started believing that I actually could educate my kids at home!

Not too long ago, someone mentioned a quote to me and when I heard it, it hit me like a ton of bricks! She said to me “God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called.” What a powerful message in a short sentence! How often are we so down on ourselves and speak failure into something before we even try? After hearing that quote, I thought to myself how many parents out there genuinely want to homeschool their children, but believe that they are not qualified or they do not think they are capable of doing so? I’m sure it’s more than I can count! Maybe you are one of them, or maybe you use to think that of yourself but overcame those lies.

If God is calling us to homeschool our children, then who are we to say no? His plan is certainly better than any of our own plans. If you truly feel called to educate your kids at home, then God will guide and direct you. That’s not to say that everything will be smooth sailing the whole time, but when we listen to God’s direction in our life for our children, we will reap the many blessings and rewards from it.

I used to think to myself that I could never homeschool my kids, that I wasn’t smart enough, and that I would “mess“ them up. I am so thankful every day that I did not continue to think that of myself. As we are in year three of homeschooling it , it has opened my eyes to a whole new way of teaching, parenting, and interacting with my children. It has taught me how to have more patience, and have more understanding of each stage of life that both of my kids are in.

Making the decision to homeschool, has strengthened my own faith in God, as it was a huge leap of faith to choose to do some thing that I didn’t think I was qualified to do, but to do something that God says, I am qualified to do. It has, and is one of the biggest blessings in our family. I can tell you from experience that I am glad that I didn’t listen to the lies of thinking I can’t homeschool and rather listen to God’s calling in my life.

Maybe this describes you or maybe this was you. Either way, I challenge you. Are you listening to lies and telling yourself that you are not qualified to do something that you feel called to do? Or are you going to take a big step of faith and do something that God says you are qualified to do?


Three Habits To Break Now That You Homeschool


Five Benefits of Homeschooling