A Warning Against Comparing

I still catch myself doing something throughout my homeschool journey with my kids: comparing my homeschool progress/program to other families. Now, I don’t mean in the sense of pride but rather questioning if I am doing enough. I find myself asking “am I teaching enough? Am I teaching long enough? Are my kids where they should be?” This can be a very dangerous thing to do, because it not only causes self-doubt, but it can cause you to start comparing your children to others. It is unfair to your kids and takes away the whole point of tailoring your homeschool program to your children and their specific needs. Let us unpack this further together.

Some families school anywhere from multiple hours at a time compared to a family who may choose to unschool. What we need to remember is that every child is different. There is not a “one size fits all” way of teaching. When I come into contact with a family who may have a gifted child, who is ahead in their work and I catch myself comparing, I remind myself that God has made all children different. What works for that specific family may not work for mine. Their child may have a different learning style, so it is irrelevant to compare. I am reminded of a verse in the bible, Psalm 139:14a which says “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. God did not make my children to be exactly like someone else’s children. He made them to be unique and special. He made them wonderfully!

I urge you, in your homeschool journey, to be careful of falling into the comparison trap. It is of no benefit to anyone. In fact, it can be harmful and even counter-productive. Your family is unique and one of a kind. Embrace that! Allow your children to learn at their own pace and not at the pace of someone else. Nurture, love, and guide them, and I promise you, they will thrive!


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