Why Do Families Homeschool?

People choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons. Reasons can be because parents want to spend more time with their kids, dissatisfaction with the school system, a personalized approach to learning, safety concerns, and the list could go on and on.

My husband and I choose to homeschool because we feel the educational system, here in America, is failing. It fails to consider the many different learning styles that children have and only teaches according to the rote learning style. We also feel that there is a significant amount of inappropriate material starting to be “taught” in schools that have no business being taught there. It has become a place for indoctrinating children and we do not want our children part of that.

As our kids grow and mature, we want our children to hold our family values and beliefs. Having a relationship with Jesus Christ is so important to us, and as our kids have already made that amazing decision to follow him, we want more time to help guide and encourage them on their walk with Christ. Now, am I saying you can’t do that if your kids go to institutional school? Certainly not, but they most definitely won’t get that teaching in institutional schools. In fact, there’s a good chance they would get the opposite.

What I am saying is that we want more time to pour into our kids. More time to nurture, guide, and love them, and when you think about it, homeschooling gives you an abundance of extra time! Approximately three years! For us, It is a no-brainer.

We also feel that a lot of what is taught is politically motivated and also discourages free thinking. We want to foster a learning environment where our children are encouraged to think outside of the box and not conform to peers or ideologies being pushed. We desire for them to be able to think critically and be able to problem solve on their own.

Along with these reasons, safety is another concern. With the increase in violence across the country, we feel it is best for our children to be under our protection.

Our list of reasons goes on and on, but I want you to hear from four other families about why they choose to homeschool.

Suzy S. says, I absolutely love homeschooling my children, as it has brought numerous benefits and joy to our family life. Homeschooling allows us to engage in meaningful and quality social interactions with friends, without the pressure of being overly busy or burnt out. The time I gain with my kids is priceless, fostering stronger bonds as we share our learning journey together. Additionally, having a say over our children's education empowers us to create a customized, hands-on, and experiential learning environment that fosters their curiosity and growth. My husband's self-employment and work-from-home situation further enhance our flexibility, enabling us to make the most of our time together. This lifestyle has seamlessly integrated learning into our daily lives, encouraging active participation in the community and nurturing a genuine love for knowledge.

April S. says, Initially we chose to homeschool because both of my older kids were having really bad anxiety about being in public school. My oldest child finished 5th grade and my middle child finished Kindergarten when we started homeschooling. My middle guy had a kid bullying him on the playground and even after attempts to resolve the situation, it still continued. My oldest was very academically driven and need to take the reins in her learning. My kids begged to be homeschooled and we agreed to give it a trial period to see how it would go. 7 years later and there’s no looking back. We are thriving and loving our flexibility and freedom!

Sarah G. says, I homeschool because it is my duty as a mother to provide my children with a stable environment conducive to learning. As a Christian, it is also my life’s work to raise them to know and understand what Jesus did for them and in turn grow them in character and humility. I must raise them to understand self-sufficiency, how to grow food, tend to animals, and understand the power, responsibility, and danger of money. I believe to school a child should run parallel to the necessities of living; therefore, it is my ultimate duty to ensure my children learn not only academia but become equipped with skills to function as productive members of society. In all this, I am the most qualified and invested candidate for this precious job.

Melissa D. says, When I first had the desire to homeschool it was more about being able to cater my children’s education to their needs and learning styles. Although I still feel this is important, what I find most important is being able to instill the values that we as a family hold. When I think of the types of adults I hope my children one day grow up to be, pretty much none of it has to do with a subject they learned. It had to do with the character traits that I hope they gain from an at-home education. I want them to be hard-working, self-motivated, and free thinkers. I want them to seek truth and not be swayed by popular culture. And lastly, I want their morals to be influenced by our family and friends who share those morals and values and not by outsiders who seek to diminish our beliefs. No one loves your kids the way you do. That love allows you to pour your heart and soul into providing an experience that you feel will carry them, not through one year or a few years, but through their entire lives.

As you can see, families homeschool for a variety of reasons. Every family is different and has their own convictions for why they choose to homeschool their children and not put them in institutional schools. I know that it has brought many blessings to these families and it can/is for you. If you are thinking about homeschooling, start asking people who you know currenly do it and hear why they made that decision. If you currently are homeschooling, get to know your fellow homeschool families and ask them why they choose the homeschool lifestyle!


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