What Do I Do When My Child Will Not Pay Attention?

There is no doubt that homeschooling can be very challenging at times. You will have ups and downs throughout your experience and journey, but when we are experiencing those “downs”, it can feel really disheartening. So, how can we work through and overcome those tough moments? Let us talk about one of the most common issues many, if not all, parents go through.

What do I do when my child is struggling to pay attention or is not feeling motivated? My children have most certainly gone through this! I mean, haven’t they all? When we have moments like these, I have my kids stop what they’re doing and just jump in place. There are so many benefits to doing this. It boosts their brain power, improves their mood, reduces anxiety, and also improves their coordination. Sometimes our children need to get up and move. Doing something so simple as this can change how your school day goes.

Having your kids set their own goals is a fantastic way to help them stay on track. It can look something like if they stay motivated and pay attention for the whole week, then they can earn a special prize. Let them pick something they’re into (obviously within reason) and give them something to work towards. Have them put a sticker or check off each day that is a success and watch their attitude change!

Another idea is, to take your kids outside for a five-minute break. Tell them to run as much and as fast as they can during that time. Giving them a quick outlet to let them get some energy out can make a huge difference!

The last point that I will mention, if your child is really struggling, is to consider evaluating your curriculum. Every child has a unique and different learning style. It could be possible that the curriculum you are currently using is not serving them in the best way. You may have to make some changes and that’s completely normal and okay! That is one of the benefits of homeschooling! You can make changes as you see fit.

Homeschooling can be really tough and hard, but it also comes with so many blessings and rewards. When you are feeling down and discouraged trying to keep your children on task, remember that there is not one parent out there who is not struggling with the same thing at times.

Mom and Dad, you are doing great! Always remember your “why” for choosing to homeschool and keep in mind that you will look back on these days and miss them terribly. You’ve got this!


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Being In The Moment