The Big Three Lies

What are three of the biggest lies, that I hear, that keep people from homeschooling? I’m going to go through them, and let me tell you, I use to believe every one of them!

I’m sure we’ve all heard the first lie, “my kids are going to be weird”. We have all heard it right? This lie is far from the truth. Some of the most well rounded, well behaved and kind children I know are homeschooled. Research proves that kids who are homeschooled are typically above average when it comes to social and emotional development. They are far better equipped for the “real world” than kids who attend traditional schools. Let’s take age/grades in schools for instance. When in society are we ever only with people our age? For thirteen years, in traditional school, you are only with kids your age/grade for seven hours a day. How is that preparing our children for the real world, where they will interact with people of all ages. Homeschool children, more times than none, are interacting with kids AND adults of all ages. Entering adulthood is a smoother transition for them.

The second lie is “it’s too hard”, or “it’s so intimidating”. Anything new is going to be a little nerve wrecking but I can promise you that it’s very manageable and is worth pushing through those nerves. Every state has their own laws when it comes to homeschooling. Take the time to read through them, know what’s required for your child, and you will be a success when it comes to teaching your child. Any seasoned homeschooling parent would be happy to come along side of you to help guide you and get you started. There are a number of support groups, co-ops, and curriculums that you can choose from to fit your family’s needs. What I want you to remember is that you are not alone in this journey.

Number three is, “I’m not smart enough”. This was the lie that I believed the most! I was not the kind of student, growing up, that every teacher hoped for. C grades were pretty standard for myself. School did not come easy for me and I had always believed that if I tried to homeschool my children that I would mess them up. In fact, I use to laugh at the thought of myself teaching my kids, but God had other plans for me and my children. I realized that you didn’t have to be a straight A student in order to be able to teach your kids. Kids will actually learn better with you learning along with them. We are our own worst critic and we have to stop putting ourselves down and selling ourselves short! Don’t base your ability off of your past student experience. You absolutely have what it takes to homeschool!

There are so many more lies that I could go through, but here are three to start. If you fall into any of these, know that they are far from the truth. You are and will be an effective educator in your kid’s lives and you will reap one of the greatest blessings in life. Don’t believe the lies!


Parent/Child Conflict


Progress, not perfection