It’s Not Always A Smooth Road

It has been a couple of weeks since I have written a blog. A lot happened during that time, and to be honest, I felt pretty discouraged in my homeschool journey. I came up empty when it was time for me to write and it was very frustrating. I love homeschooling my children so much, and the fact that I could not figure out what to write about was becoming irritating. I was growing more and more frustrated because I know God laid on my heart a passion for homeschooling and encouraging other families through their own journeys. I then realized people do not want to always hear about the great and smooth experiences that families have while homeschooling.

During this discouraging time, I was going through, I realized I was having a hard time coming up with something to write about because I felt like I did not have anything positive and uplifting to talk about. When I decided to start building a platform for homeschool encouragement, I did not think about the times when I would need the encouragement. I always told myself that I wanted my material to be authentic and real. Well, that also includes writing about when I feel discouraged.

I am entering my fourth year homeschooling my children and boy, have I learned a lot! I have learned a lot about my own children and also how to interact with other families and their kids. I have learned that not every day, week, or even month may go as smoothly as you would like it. I’ve learned many friendships change because a parent’s decision to homeschool has become a divisive topic over the years, for some reason. The list could go on and on.

The homeschool journey is not always perfect and carefree, and that is ok. For me personally, a lot has happened in the past three to four months that really caused me to go to the Lord in prayer and reassess our upcoming year. After doing that, and making the changes that were needed, we are fully ready to head into the fourth year of our homeschool journey. The decisions made were not easy ones, but they were necessary.

I have fallen in love with homeschooling and it may not be an easy experience at times, but it is worth it. My desire is to encourage other families and I know God did not give me that passion for no reason. He has a plan and a purpose for laying that desire on my heart and through the discouragement I may face, I will remain faithful to that calling.

With that said, are you prepped and ready for a fresh new year? Are you ready for the new discoveries that you will make with your kids? Are you ready for the tears and laughter to come? You will have ups and downs but that is what makes your journey unique and your own. So, Mom and Dad, let us prepare and push through any discouragement you may face, and let us do it together!


A Homeschool Word of Encouragement


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