How The Rockefellers Impacted Our Education System

There is a saying “Ignorance is bliss”. How true is that saying when it comes to the education system of America? Not many of us know how our children originally learned, what they learned, and who was instrumental in changing all of that.

The reason I started homeschooling is not the same reason why I continue. The reason I continue is so much more. The reason why I continue is from choosing not to remain ignorant of the history of our education system and where it is heading. We need to wake up! We need to wake up as parents, as caretakers for our kids, and as Americans!

“I don’t want a nation of thinkers; I want a nation of workers”. This is a quote from the man who shaped the education system of America, John D. Rockefeller. He founded the General Education Board, which shaped the school system today, and shortly after donated 1.27 billion dollars. It was then he said he wants a nation of workers. Public school is a conveyor belt to mass produce “employees” rather than critical thinkers. All of this to benefit corporate America, to create “yes men” and hinder the question of “what if”?

Let that sink in for a minute. If you went to public school, how was your experience? What stood out to you? Were you taught to think for yourself? Were you taught that there is more than just one way to achieve something or was it engrained that there is only one “correct” way?

I remember in one of my math classes, during a test, there was a child who knew the correct answer to a problem but he solved it differently than what was taught. Guess what? The teacher marked his answer as wrong! What does this say to our children?

Let us briefly talk about the learning style that is used in public schools. It is called Rote learning, learning by memorization and repetition. This was all based on years ago when people were assumed to have factory jobs, hence Rockefeller’s mindset of wanting workers, not thinkers. When children in school struggle to keep up with this learning style, they are quickly labeled with a learning issue or disability, when really, they just learn differently. There is more to learning than just memorizing and repeating!

When our children learn in this environment, they are trained to be obedient workers and work towards that 9-5 job. If I can put it bluntly, if this is the goal, our children are just someone else’s passive income! We must take a look at our whole education system. It is so flawed, outdated, and only benefits big corporate America!

Our country needs thinkers! As much as we wish America was number one with its schools, it is not. I have seen countless videos of people not even being able to answer simple questions that they should know the answers to such as, what is the main language in America, or what continent is America in!  We need to do better! Our country needs people that ask “what if” and “how”? We need to encourage that there are multiple ways to success and not just one.

My husband and I will not let this continue with our children. My reasoning for continuing to homeschool is that it fosters a better learning environment for my children. I do not want them to be on a 12-year conveyor belt, indoctrinated, and conditioned to accept the 9-5 lifestyle when they are done. We cannot just say “there is nothing we can do”. That is not true. We can take our children’s education back into our own hands. That was how “school” was originally.

If you haven’t researched the Rockefellers and their impact on our school system, I highly recommend that you do. Do not just take my word for it, but research it for yourself. I promise your eyes will be opened that our schools are just mass-producing workers and not free thinkers. Take back your children’s education and begin homeschooling!


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