How are you using your time with your kids?

How are we interacting and investing in our kids? Genuinely ask yourself that question. Are you intentionally teaching, and parenting your children, or are you taking a more passive approach?

I was reminded recently that our kids are at the perfect stage where we need to, not only, be educating our kids in their traditional subjects, but also be pouring love and direction into them every single day.  How often do you hear somebody say “my kid is growing like a weed” or “time is flying”? We can’t deny that the time we have with our kids is rapidly passing. We have to ask ourselves what are we doing with that time? Are we using it to pour love, God, and direction into them? Before we know it, our children are going to be adults and we will not have these precious moments with them anymore that we have now.

Whether your children say it or not, they want your love, they need your love. If they're not getting it from you, they're going to look for it elsewhere, and where is that elsewhere because it may not be a good influence. Who is a better influence than mom and dad? There is no one who knows your children better than you, so I ask you, are you the main influence in your child’s life?

Are we constantly telling our kids “I’m busy” or “not right now” when they’re asking for our attention? Do we promise them certain things but not actually follow through with those promises? These times are so precious and so crucial. We, not only, as homeschool parents, but parents in general need to step it up when it come to raising our kids in this broken and fallen world. Now is the time to guide and direct our kids. Now is the time to teach them about their value, morals, and character.

Don’t take a back seat in this matter. Homeschooling is not only an opportunity to educate your kids, it is also a great opportunity to shape, mold, and love on them in a way that most kids do not receive in traditional schooling. This world is not getting any better, so I challenge you, how are you using the time with your kids?


Hard days are opportunities!


Parent/Child Conflict