Debunking Homeschool Myths: Myth Number 2- Missing Out

It is time to debunk another homeschool myth! If you read last week’s blog, you know that homeschooled children do not lack socialization one bit! This week, we are going to look at the myth that “homeschooled children miss out”. After you are done reading this, you will see that they actually have the wonderful opportunity to experience more!

The first argument I have heard is, “your children will miss out on playing sports”. This is simply not true. Many school districts allow homeschooled children to participate in the after-school sports that they offer. I know many families who have taken advantage of that option. There are township teams that the kids can choose to be a part of. As shocking as it may seem to some people, opportunities to play sports do not just present themselves in public schools.

I may have someone say “well, what about concerts, plays, and performances? Your kids will not get to experience them”. My answer to that is, they already have! My husband and I have seen our children perform in multiple concerts and productions. One of my favorite performances was a Christmas concert a year and a half ago. They got to sing many songs with their co-op peers, and it was a fantastic performance! They’ve participated in talent shows and concerts, and it was such a blessing to see the joy on their faces as they took much pride in their hard work. Again, your kids do not need to go to institutional schools in order to have these experiences.

Another argument I hear is, “your kids will never get the experience of someone else teaching Them”. I have a couple of statements to say about that. The first is, I direct a homeschool co-op, of which, parents alternate teaching each week, so my children are learning from many people. We go on field trips where they are taught by the individuals who facilitate that event. We are very involved in our local church where our children also have the opportunity to learn in Sunday school from many of the parents who volunteer. My children are learning from multiple individuals throughout the year.

My other explanation for this argument is, why does it matter that I am the one who is teaching my kids the most? I am teaching my kids to according to my own beliefs and convictions. If they were to go to an institutional school, they would be taught by a complete stranger whom I do not even have the opportunity to vet. That teacher will teach the material given according to his or her own morals and convictions, which may not align with mine and my husband’s. Someone may say, “Well, you are sheltering your kids by doing that. Your kids should experience someone else’s perspective”. Maybe some see it that way, but the bottom line is, they are my children. They are not the school district’s. There are too many controversial and inappropriate materials being taught, and my children are not worth the “roll of the dice” with whom they end up having. When it comes to these topics, my children would be at the mercy of a complete stranger, whom I know nothing about. My kids are too important to take that gamble.

Now, the arguments can go on and on. If I wrote down every little thing that people think homeschooled children miss out on, you would be reading this blog all day. I have said this before and I will say it again, these comments, more than likely, come from people who have never experienced homeschooling for themselves and know very little about the actual homeschooling lifestyle. I truly and wholeheartedly feel that my children have the opportunity to experience more because they are homeschooled. They have been to museums, race tracks, farms, Revolutionary War demonstrations, planetariums, ice skating, foraging hikes, and so much more!

The bottom line here is, homeschooled children are not missing out. Another homeschool myth debunked! There are so many opportunities and resources for these children. I am so thankful for the extra opportunities that my children have had that they would not have otherwise if they were not homeschooled. My children and learning and thriving, and I know yours will too!


Debunking Homeschool Myths: Myth Number 3-Homeschooling Is Not Comparable To Institutional Schools


Debunking Homeschool Myths: Myth Number One-Socializing