Build Your Tribe

Who are the people in your homeschool tribe? Do you have one? It is so helpful and important to have a group of like-minded people who are in the same phase of life that you are in. Now, I’m not saying that they should be the only people you hang out with. I’m not saying that at all, but it is such a valuable thing to have a tribe behind you, and I’ll explain why.

As we homeschool, we will go through all kinds of stages and phases with our kids. We will have ups and downs, victories, and do-overs. Through all of those times we need to be encouraged and supported. Also, at the same time we should provide support for others.

For example, have you ever had an instance where you were teaching your child a new concept and they are having trouble grasping it? Have you ever felt stuck because you don’t know how else to teach it? In those moments, do you have someone that you can call to offer a fresh perspective? Someone that you can go to for help and ideas? In these times, it is so helpful to go to someone in your tribe to help encourage you and push you through those challenging times.

Not too long ago, I was teaching my daughter, a new concept in math, and she was struggling to understand it. I didn’t know how else to explain it to her, so I called up a friend who is doing the same curriculum as we are. She offered a whole new way to teach it to my daughter, and it was so helpful for her. If I hadn’t reached out to someone in my tribe about a fresh perspective, it could have resulted in more frustrations in math for my daughter.

Here’s another example, do you find yourself asking if you are you doing enough? Maybe you question your ability to teach your children. Again, having people you can go to in these times of doubt, for encouragement, is extremely helpful and valuable. Having someone that will not cast judgment and encourage and support you through your victories, and your struggles.

In short, you need people in your corner. Be in someone else’s corner. Not only you, but your children need it. It’s easy to feel alone in our homeschool journeys, but rest assured, you are not alone! Get out there and build your tribe!


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